Let's Start: Creating Java Appliction

Java has three applictions and that are:

  • Console Applictions
  • Windows Applictions
  • Applet Applections
All aplictions are created by Java and interpreted using Java Virtual Machine is called class so the firat step is to create a class, this class contains the code to be run which is divided into functions called methods (this will be illustrated more later)
The main syntax to the class as follow:

Class Class_name
           The building block for the class
//the method (first function to run when runnung the appliction) is called main metod when running the appliction runss is start running from it has the following syntax:
public static void main (String[] args)
                       the building block for the method(function)
So to build an appliction the structure block for starting the class is as follow:
Class class_name
public static void main(String[] args)
      //the building block for the method (funtion) code written here


العاب said...

well done

العاب فلاش said...

nice blog

Unknown said...

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